parent nodes: Bootleg Cogs | Machine Empire | Tommy Oliver

Machine Empire

The Machine Empire was an intergalactic conquering empire of robots. They were an army of robots desiring to conquer the Earth to one-up Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd as a first step to destroying the universe.


Where the Machine Empire came from and who built them is unknown but they swelled in numbers and forces; building specialist war fighters dubbed Quadrafighters. Under the leadership of thier ruler King Mondo, thier seemingly unstoppable firepower managed to conquer multiple planets. They grew so powerful that even Rita Repulsa and Zedd grew to fear them; both openly showing fear when they learned of the Empire's arrival on Earth. During this time, Mondo and Machina built two sons; Prince Sprocket and Prince Gasket as the heirs to thier thrones in the future. However, Gasket fell in love with Archerina; the daughter of Mondo's nemesis King Aradon. As a result, the two went into hiding due to thier taboo relationship much to Machina's sadness as Gasket was her favourite son and Mondo's chagrin. Out of spite, he made Sprocket his heir apparent much to the prince's joy. At several unknown points, the Machine Empire employed the intergalactic bounty hunters known as the Varox but never encountered the member named Borax. During their many conquests, the Machine Empire never encountered the Hydro Contaminators since they were located on Aquitar which was the home of the Aquitarian Rangers.

An unknown amount of time later, the Machine Empire was forcibly annexed into the United Alliance of Evil because the feared Dark Specter but were allowed to continue thier conquests. With the larger organisation's support, they swelled in power and became extremely dangerous; being described as Zordon as "the one force that could prove to be unstoppable."